Home > Artworks > Osvaldo Magariños Olveira

Photo of Osvaldo Magariños Olveira Argentina

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About the Artist

Born in Buenos Aires in 1945. He taught in various Secondary and Technical Schools of the Province of Buenos Aires and the primary branch of the Federal Capital always...

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11.81 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 11.81 in

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About the Artist

Born in Buenos Aires in 1945. He taught in various Secondary and Technical Schools of the Province of Buenos Aires and the primary branch of the Federal Capital always in specialties related to the plastic.

Until 2006 coordinated the workshops in the areas Painting, Drawing, Sculpture and Engraving "Erte Workshop Expression of the South" which was also Director

has published his work in Latin American Art Directory / 84


After studying advertising at the School of Graphic Arts Maipu, continued his studies at the National School of B. Arts M. Belgrano and P. Pueyrredon, specializing in painting but then dedicates himself to printmaking and sculpture

Individual samples

Sala de Arte La Mia Citta

Faure Art Gallery Ricardo Avellaneda Municipality

Home showroom Obrero de Avellaneda

Exhibition Hall Hotel IOSEA Cosquin

He is the author of Scout Memorial Argentine partner in the monument to Charles Marcuchi

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Collective Exhibitions

Small Format Salon 1986

Exhibition Hall Delgado. D Culture Pontevedra - Spain (1980) - Exposure Chamber. Galeria "Abracadabra" - Vigo - Spain (1984) - Exhibition Hall Provincial de Pontevedra - Spain (1988) -

Exhibition Hall of the Banco Bilbao (sponsored by the Argentine Consulate in Vigo) (1988) -

Masters of Painting Exhibition EEMedia Avellaneda No. 2 (1992

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